Chair - Emily S. Whitten, Esq.
Emily is an attorney, literary agent, web designer, and general
Jill-of-all-trades, and an avid fan of all things Discworld and Pratchett. She co-founded the first North American Discworld Convention (held in 2009) after innocently asking Sir Terry about the possibility of an American Discworld Convention at a booksigning for THUD! in 2005. Emily served as NADWCon2009's Vice Chair and Webmaster (working closely with 2009 Staff Artist and now-Vice-Chair Jon Lemerond on the art design), as well as co-coordinating programming, co-running online publicity and communications, and acting as one of Sir Terry's at-con guest liaisons. She has volunteered at Capclave, a DC-area literary convention, and served as guest liaison for Balticon 43's Artist Guest of Honor. Emily is also Chair of The Guild of Chelonavigators, sponsor and oversight committee for all future North American Discworld Conventions. |

Volunteer Coordinator and Vice Chair-
Margaret Grady:
Margaret Grady has been working Arizona sf conventions in nearly every committee position (including Chair, several times) since 1982, after attending her first con in 1976. She's also held key positions for NASFiC, WesterCons, World Fantasy Conventions and World Horror Cons when they've come to Arizona. She worked extensively on the first NADwCon in '09 in Arizona, coordinating the Banquet and all the convention ambience, as well as other things behind the scenes. She's on the Guild of Chelonavigators and in the Seamstress Guild, the Southwest Costume Guild, and also the N. American rep on the Global Steering Committee for the international fundraising campaign for "Can't Stop the Serenity" and a founding member of the Arizona Browncoats. And, well, there's lots more -- locally, Marg has a reputation for being the Energizer Bunny. Now she is happy to be helping the current NADwCon in Madison in every capacity possible, and is also looking forward to the fruition of the hard work she's doing for Costume-Con 30 which will be in Phoenix next May. |

Assistant to the Chair - Jon Lemerond:
Jon is a professional graphic artist and a true Discworld fanatic. He collects and has read virtually everything Terry Pratchett has written, and spends his spare time creating Discworld fan art. He was the official staff artist for the NADWCon 2009 creating many pieces of art for it including posters, t-shirts, buttons, and life sized cutouts of various Discworld figures. Jon ran a life drawing class at the convention and also put on presentation about the history of Discworld cover art. Jon prides himself on his extensive Discworld knowledge and is eager to make this next NADWCon a hit. |

Guest Liaison and Convention Advisor - Jon Manzo:
Jon C. Manzo, who got hooked on science fiction and fantasy at an early age as soon as he'd read Ray Bradbury's classic The Martian Chronicles, has been involved with volunteering at conventions since 1977, doing everything from being a gofer to running security to acting as a Guest Liaison to co-chairing such conventions as ORBIT, MadMedia 5, MadCon 01, and MadCon 2010. Some of his favorite writers include Harlan Ellison, Neil Gaiman, Connie Willis and Arthur C. Clarke. Somewhere along the way, he also got hooked on the works of Terry Pratchett, which has necessitated the acquisition of more shelfspace for books.
When he's not being suckered into working at these events, he works as an attorney in the Madison area.
Program Director - Denise Connell
In the early 90’s Denise met a British writer who was charming, funny and kind. They had interests in common and became email buddies. It wasn’t until months later that she discovered he was a literary rock star. This is still her favorite Terry story. Well, that and the one about the rat.
In 2002, the World Science Fiction Convention committee asked Denise to throw a party for Terry who was their Guest of Honor. She organized old friends and fans and viola! The North American Seamstress Guild was born. This guild threw a legendary costume party that is talked about to this day. It should be said here that the rat story is only partly true.
In 2008, Terry asked Denise if the Ladies & Gentlemen of the Guild might have an evening free (or at least, reasonably priced). This is how she became the Party Maven for NADWCon. That event involved 600 splendidly costumed fans, a Russian harpist, jugglers, a British conjurer, a Mexican paper crafts table, where Death was seen at least once, and fabulous local food stuffs. The guild also organized a stealth costume contest with awards presented in classic style by Himself. Individual, professional photos were taken against a Victorian backdrop and printed on the spot for each guest,. These photos were paid for by Terry and offered as his gift to the attendees.
This year at NADWCon Denise will wear two hats: Program Director and Producer for the nightly Seamstress Guild parties. She is very happy to be working with old (ahem!?) and new guild members and the talented teams from Madison, WI, including the 2011 Seamstress Party Director, Missy Hayes.
Denise is the owner of Connell Consulting, a job akin to being a witch in Lancre. She has 25 years experience directing, producing and working on a variety of conventions, festivals, theatrical performances, charity and literary events, costume balls and gatherings of all types. Her education is both varied and whimsical and mostly serves to make her fun at parties. In her spare time, she is active with groups that rescue companion animals and is also trained in wildlife rescue. She recently moved to Oregon to be closer to Powell’s Books.
She dearly wishes that the photo of Terry, the rat and the Seamstress had survived.
Art Show Director - Erin Prindiville
bio coming soon

Merchandise Coordinator - Michelle Rehbein:
bio coming soon |

Hospitality Director - Dave Luect:
An accomplished chef in his own right Dave has been slicing his way through the restaurant field for the last 10 years. Working his way up from greasy spoons, and pubs, to hotels and high end restaurants. He was soux chef/kitchen manager for almost a year at Morel's restaurant. Before this he was sous chef at the Sheraton Hotel and Kitchen Manager at Wayland Academy ( private boarding school in Beaver Dam, WI ). He now focuses mostly on baking and works on his own catering service. This adds up to about 10 years of management experience. Past the kitchen doors he is a book lover and artist. |
Online Coordinator - Vivian Obarski:
Vivian was introduced to Pratchett approximately 10 years ago (which makes her a newbie in some circles) when a friend gave her The Truth, which she loved because it incorporated her journalism background (and the insanity required to be a journalist)with fantasy to make compelling and fun reading. As a person who lives most of her life online -- be it on Twitter, Live Journal or various forums -- she's looking forward to taking her Internet skills to further the message of Om to the masses. In short, expect to see her glued to the computer, typing furiously. Which isn't much different from her normal day-to-day existence. |
Game Room Director - Ray Rehbein:
bio coming soon |
Hotel Liason- Matt Cira:
Matt spent his entire childhood working in his family's motel, and is now managing it. He understands the inner workings of the hospitality industry and has been working with the Concourse Hotel in Madison in preparation for this convention. He is also a certified nursing assistant, massage therapist, and huge Discworld fanatic. Matt has read almost every Terry Pratchett novel, and has done so multiple times. His knowledge of the Discworld universe is extensive. Matt was a volunteer at the NADWCon 2009. |
Message Board Moderator - Bryan Sennhenn:
Bryan is a HUGE Terry Pratchett fan, having read almost his entire library of books. Bryian has moderated message boards for Role Playing, The Burning Man Festival, and his personal Food Lovers Forum. |

Staff Artist / Program Book Director - Ray Friesen:
Ray Friesen is a cartoonmonger extraordinaire, at least according to his business cards. He writes and draws humorous graphic novels, including 'Pirate Penguin vs. Ninja Chicken' and 'Cupcakes of Doom!' He designed the Official 'Discworld Weenicons' for PJSM Prints, and is working on an unofficial Top Secret Discworld Fancomic (Total completed pages: 2. Ray needs more free time, can anyone loan him a procrastinator?). View more of Ray's work at |
Security Coordinator - Craig Hampton:
bio coming soon |
Masquerade Director- Henry Osier:
Henry W. Osier has been a member of the International Costumer's Guild for many years. Besides starting a chapter if the ICG, he was the Assistant Masquerade Director at the World Science Fiction Convention in Chicago in 2000. Three years later, he was the Co-Chair of Costume-Con 21, also in Chicago. Two years after that, he was the Masquerade Director at Costume-Con 23 in Utah. Last year, he was the Chairman of Costume-Con 28 in Milwaukee. Henry is also one of the perennial judges at Chicago TARDIS, one of the country's largest Dr Who conventions. He is often asked to judge, MC, or work many Midwest Science Fiction Convention masquerades, such as Geek.kon, TeslaCon, both in Madison, and Archon, in St. Louis. He is also a contributor and member of the International Costumer's Guild Archives,, which is open to all to view the works of costumers over many years. Through his activities, he tries to encourage people not only to costume, whether it be Historical Reenacting, Theater, Media Recreation, Fantasy, Anime, Steampunk, or just sheer innovation, but to interact with others in there area and across the country that also share their interest.

Pre-Con Registration - Katie Pennell:
Katie is, sadly, currently unfamiliar with the Discworld universe, but has placed the books on hold at the library. By the time July 2011 rolls around she is sure to be a true Pratchett fangirl. An avid reader and fantasy devotee, a new series is always welcome in her life. Katie's experience working conventions is limited to the few times she's given Mr. Goes a hand in recent years. She is a super senior at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee but will have her semi-useless degree by 2011 if it kills her.